Tweak functionality
This is the list of settings that you can adjust in the system to tweak various features:
- BARCODE SCAN ERROR, DO NOT SHOW CREATE PRODUCT: If the system wasn't able to find a product on a scan, it'll show a Create new product dialog by default. This setting suppresses that dialog, so it would not show it on every bad scan.
- ORDER DELETE: Anyone with permissions to do so can delete an order.
- DASHBOARD REPORT: View Monthly or Yearly totals on the main backend screen.
- DISPLAY DISCOUNTS SELECTOR IN THE CART: Display quick buttons in cart for discounts (i.e. $5, $10, 20% buttons)
- AUTO BARCODE ON NEW PRODUCTS: Automatically generates barcodes for new items.
- DEFAULT BACKEND PRODUCT DISPLAY: Allows you to display products on the backend (Items section) in a grid or table view.
- ADD CUSTOM-PRICED PRODUCT AS A SEPARATE CART ITEM: Every time you add an additional custom-priced item to the cart, it appears as a separate line item. It does not increase the quantity of a custom-priced item that is already in the cart.
- ASSIGN ORDER TO EMPLOYEE ONLY ON ORDER CREATION: Restaurant Edition- when you modify or add a new item to the cart changes the assignment. Whoever is assigned to an order receives the tips. Can add orders to an existing order but doing so does not change who the order is assigned to and it remains assigned to the person who started the order.
- ENABLE NAME EDITING ON CUSTOM-PRICED ITEMS: Allows user to modify name of a product that is custom-priced
MONTHS ORDERS ARE STORED ON THE STATION: How many months orders are saved locally (app based)
- Assign PINs to Devices, Locations and Refunds: Assign a PIN to a device, location or refund.
- CUSTOM %-DISCOUNT LIST: Modify the % discount list bar (app based)
- CUSTOM $-DISCOUNT LIST: Modify the dollar amount discount list bar (app based)