Payment for specific items on an invoice
1. Go to the POS.
2. Add the Cash Register Item to the cart. Leave its value at 0.
3. Press Checkout.
4. Scroll down to Assign Customer.
5. Enter the customer's name in the empty field below and select their name.
6. Under Assign Invoice, select the appropriate invoice.
7. Press load cart from invoice. This will load all the items from the invoice into the cart.
8. Remove items that the customer will not be paying for in this round, including the Cash Register Item.
9. Select the payment method and proceed with the transaction.
Payment of a specific amount
1. Go to the POS.
2. Add the Cash Register Item to the cart.
3. Enter the amount that the customer is going to pay towards the invoice in the pop-up window.
4. Enter the customer's name in the empty field below and select their name.
5. Under Assign Invoice, select the appropriate invoice.
6. Select the payment method and proceed with the transaction.
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