
For Freedom POS Only.

Create a Modifier Group

  1. Go to Backend in the main navigation menu.

  2. Press MODIFIERS.

  3. Press ADD+

  4. In the popup window, enter the modifier group name, minimum required selections (optional), maximum number of selections (optional).

  5. Press OK.

Add modifiers to a modifier group

  1. Go to Backend in the main navigation menu.

  2. Press MODIFIERS.

  3. Press the edit icon to the right of the modifier group.

  4. Press ADD+.

  5. In the popup window, enter the modifier name, price and quantity (optional).

  6. Press OK.

Edit a modifier

  1. Go to Backend in the main navigation menu.

  2. Press MODIFIERS.

  3. Press the edit icon to the right of the modifier group.

  4. Press the edit icon to the right of the modifier.

  5. Make changes and press OK.

Delete a modifier

  1. Go to Backend in the main navigation menu.

  2. Press MODIFIERS.

  3. Press the edit icon to the right of the modifier group.

  4. Press the red X icon to the right of the modifier.

  5. Press Yes, go ahead to confirm this action.

Edit a modifier group

  1. Go to Backend in the main navigation menu.

  2. Press MODIFIERS.

  3. Press the edit icon to the right of the modifier group.

  4. Press the EDIT GROUP button.

  5. Make changes and press OK.

Delete a modifier group

  1. Go to Backend in the main navigation menu.

  2. Press MODIFIERS.

  3. Locate the modifier group you want to delete.

  4. Press the red x icon to the right of that modifier group.

  5. Press Yes, go ahead to confirm this action.