
For Freedom POS Only.

Add a category

  1. Go to CATEGORIES.

  2. Press ADD+.

  3. Enter the Category Name and Description.

  4. Under Parent category (optional), select the parent category from the drop down menu.

  5. Under Visibility (optional), select INVISIBLE if you want to hide that category. The category defaults to visible, so you do not need to select VISIBLE unless the category is already marked INVISIBLE.

  6. Press Save.

Modify an existing category

  1. Go to CATEGORIES.

  2. Press the pencil icon to the right of the category.

  3. Make changes and press Save.

Delete a category

  1. Go to CATEGORIES.

  2. Press the red X icon to the right of the category you want to delete.

  3. Press Yes, go ahead to confirm this action. Please note, you must remove all products from that category before you can permanently delete it.