Set Up Device

Set up your device for Freedom POS.

Open the app
    1. Once the app is downloaded, press On-Premise/Offline, as there is no API Key.

    2. In the pop up window explaining that the data is local and that there is no syncing between stations, press Yes, go ahead to confirm.

    3. Enter the Agent Code

    4. Press OK.

Enter Information for Location
After following directions above, the screen will display the following fields:
      1. Default tax rate

      2. Location name

      3. Phone

      4. Email

      5. Postcode

      6. Street

      7. City

      8. State

      9. Tip Prompt: Enable tip prompts during payment.

      10. Default employee: Name of default employee, usually owner or manager.

      11. Default PIN: PIN number to be assigned to that employee.

      12. Cash Enabled: Enable cash tender type.

      13. Credit Card Enabled: Enable credit card tender type.

      14. Gift Card Enabled: Enable gift cards.